BUPA Great North Run 2010
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Download Free FOOT PAIN GuideBUPA Great North Run 2010
54,000 runners will take part in the 30th Great North Run on Sunday 19th September 2010 from Gateshead to South Shields, covering 13.2 miles.
It is not uncommon for us to see participants after such a tough event. The most common complaint is blisters which have formed from friction either by trainers not fitting properly or not wearing friction-free socks. If you develop blister(s) place a dry dressing over them and do not burst the blister(s) as this could lead to infection. If they are particularly painful then seek treatment from a Podiatrist.
There are hundreds of running trainers on the market which all support feet in different ways, so before starting training for any event, it is important to see a Sports Specialist Podiatrist to get advice on the correct running shoes and the correct socks.
UK Podiatry
25 Barrington Road
Cheshire, WA14 1HP
Telephone: 0161 929 7272
Email: info@ukpodiatry.com

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