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Foot Pain
Foot Pain
If you’ve got foot pain, stiffness or an ache- its very tempting to think that its nothing, that it will go away on its own. Or, you might pass it off as having just worn the wrong shoes, or that its just an ache or a bit of stiffness that everyone your age suffers from…..
There is no obvious reason why it happened- but it does seem to be shifting and its been there a while now.
If that's happening to you, you're not alone - and we hear this type of complaint all the time. In fact, long term foot pain is the most common problem we see atUK Podiatry.
When it comes to living with foot pain, everyone we see wants to know “why is this happening to me?” and “why am I still suffering with foot pain after putting up with it for so long?"
If this sounds like you, then we would love to help by inviting you to make an appointment with one of our Podiatrists, who can offer you some solid advice.
We are open Monday to Friday, offering evening appointments for flexibility to our clients. Please call 0161 929 7272 or email for more information.
UK Podiatry
25 Barrington Road
Cheshire, WA14 1HP
Telephone: 0161 929 7272

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